Fraud Reporting
Reporting of potential wrong doing or malpractice
Dear Service provider
Gert Sibande TVET College has a moral obligation to ensure that all college funds are honestly and judiciously spent on improving the quality of teaching and learning. The College has set a target of zero tolerance against fraud and corruption. Gert Sibande TVET College aims to conduct its business with high standards of integrity and honesty and expects the same standards from all employees, service providers, suppliers and contractors. However, like any organisation, there are instances where individuals let the organisation down. Often the organisation is unaware of or unable to detect such malpractices that take place.
Whilst there are no systems that are completely foolproof, the College intends to take more tangible steps to deter fraud, corruption and any form of malpractice. Gert Sibande College needs your help to create an ethical culture of doing business that we can all be proud of; a culture that exposes any anti-competitive behaviour, fraudulent or corrupt behaviour.
College staff are paid by government to provide a service to the community. Consequently, Gert Sibande College staff are NOT allowed to accept any form of commission, benefit, bribe or gift of any kind from service providers. Neither can they demand any form of commission, benefit, bribe or gift from service providers. The aim of this correspondence is to ensure that service providers and their employees are fully aware that they should report concerns about any wrongdoing or malpractice on the part of any employee of Gert Sibande TVET College. Any information received will be treated seriously and confidentially.
Report any form of fraud using one or more of the following methods:
- Report fraud directly to the government fraud hotline on 0800 00 2870, or
- Place a letter in the complaints box situated in the reception area at Gert Sibande TVET College Head Office, 18A Dr Beyers Naude Drive, Standerton, Mpumalanga, or
- Report fraud to the Executive Management (details below).
Name of Executive Manager | Position | Email address |
Mr Steyn Nkuna | Acting Compliance Manager | compliance.ad@gscollege.edu.za |
What should be reported?
- Gert Sibande employees offering, taking or soliciting bribes, gifts, or any benefit
- Financial fraud or mismanagement
- Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information
- Inappropriate relationships with suppliers
- Criminal activity
- Any acts of dishonesty
- Miscarriages of justice
- Danger to health and safety
- Supplying food unfit for consumption
- Colleagues discarding damaging materials into the environment
- Failure to comply with legal of professional obligation or regulatory requirements
- Price fixing of products
- Any conduct likely to cause damage to the reputation of the organisation
- The deliberate concealment of any of the above matters
Kindly note:
- All information will be treated in a confidential manner.
- All allegations will be investigated to establish its validity before any action takes place.
- Deliberately raising false or malicious allegations is irresponsible and will be viewed extremely seriously by Gert Sibande TVET College.
- Service providers who are found to be complicit in dishonest practices will be removed from the College’s supplier data base and blacklisted.