National Certificate - NATED (Report191)
Report 191 Business Studies
- Nated Subjects:
- Entrepreneurship and Business Management
- Management Communication ( Offered N4 Only)
- Computer Practice
- Financial Accounting
- Sales Management (Offered in N5-N6)
- Labour Relations (Offered in N5-N6
- Admission requirements:
Grade 12 Certificate; or National Senior Certificate (NSC)
or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4
- Nated Subjects
- Communication
- Office Practice
- Information Processing
- Computer Practice
- Admission requirements:
Grade 12 Certificate; or National Senior Certificate (NSC)
or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4
- Nated Subjects
- Computerised Financial System
- Management Communication (Offered in N4)
- Entrepreneurship & Business Management
- Cost & Management Accounting (Offered in N5&N6)
- Financial Accounting
- Income Tax (Offered in N6)
- Admission requirements:
Grade 12 Certificate; or National Senior Certificate (NSC)
or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4
- Nated Subjects
- Entrepreneurship & Business Management (N4-N5)
- Marketing Management (N4-N6)
- Computer Practice (N4-N5)
- Management Communication (N4)
- Sales Management ( N5-N6)
- Marketing Communication (N6)
- Marketing Research (N6)
- Admission requirements:
Grade 12 Certificate; or National Senior Certificate (NSC)
or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4
- Nated Subjects:
- Entrepreneurship & Business Management N4
- Management Communication N4
- Computer Practice
- Personnel Management
- Personnel Training (N5-N6)
- Labour Relations (N5-N6)
- Admission requirements:
Grade 12 Certificate; or National Senior Certificate (NSC)
or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4
- Nated Subjects
- Applied Management
- Catering Theory Practical
- Nutrition & Menu Planning N4
- Sanitation & Safety N4
- Entrepreneurship & Business Management N4
- Computer Practice N4
- Food & Beverage Service N5
- Communication & HR N6
- Admission requirements:
Grade 12 Certificate; or National Senior Certificate (NSC)
or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4
- Nated Subjects
- Public Administration
- Municipality Administration (N5-N6)
- Computer Practice
- Management Communication N4
- Entrepreneurship and Business Management N4
- Public Finance (N5-N6)
- Public Law N6
- Admission requirements:
Grade 12 Certificate; or National Senior Certificate (NSC)
or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4
Report 191 Engineering Studies
- Mechanical Subjects: N1 - N3
- Engineering Science
- Engineering Drawing
- Fitting and Machining Theory
- Motor Trade Theory
- Motor Machining Theory
- Motor Electrical Theory
- Mathematics
- Plant Operating Theory
- Mechanical Subjects: N4 - N6
- Digital Electronics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Mechano Technics
- Mathematics
- Strength of material and Structures
- Power Machines
- Civil Subjects N1 - N3
- Building Drawing
- Building Science
- Bricklaying & Plastering Theory
- Mathematics
- Plating and Structural Steel Drawing
- Water and Waste-Water Treatment Practice
- Civil Subjects: N4 - N6
- Building Administration
- Building & Structural Construction
- Building and Structural Survey
- Plating & Structural Steel Drawing
- Quantity Survey
- Electrical Subjects N1 - N3
- Electrical Trade Theory N1, N2
- Electrotechnology N3
- Engineering Science
- Industrial Electronics
- Mathematics
- Electrical Subjects: N4 - N6
- Electrotechnics
- Engineering Science N4
- Industrial Electronics
- Mathematics
- Power Machine N5, N6
- Strength of Materials & Structures N5, N6